Download Miss Billy GLI INDIMENTICABILI Italian Edition edition by Eleanor H Porter Federica Franceschelli Literature Fiction eBooks
Download Miss Billy GLI INDIMENTICABILI Italian Edition edition by Eleanor H Porter Federica Franceschelli Literature Fiction eBooks

Un malinteso,
tre fratelli.
Chi sposerà Billy?
William Henshaw ha quarant’anni, è vedovo e vive in una grande villa insieme ai suoi fratelli minori, entrambi scapoli impenitenti il gelido e sarcastico Cyril, pianista di fama internazionale, e Bertram, scapestrato pittore ribelle.
La loro vita scorre tranquilla e appagante, finché William non riceve una lettera Billy, il figlio mai conosciuto di un caro amico d’infanzia, è rimasto orfano. Ha bisogno di un posto dove stare e di una famiglia, e l’unica persona a cui può rivolgersi è proprio William, l’uomo al quale deve il suo nome.
William Henshaw non può rifiutare una così accorata e straziante richiesta d’aiuto, soprattutto se arriva dal figlio del suo caro amico ormai morto, di cui non però non ricorda neppure l'esistenza. Non resta allora che avvertire Cyril e Bertram e preparare le stanze per l’arrivo di Billy.
C’è solo un piccolo problema nessuno di loro ha ancora capito che Billy, in realtà, è una ragazza.
«Chi non avrebbe pensato che fosse un ragazzo?» s’intromise Cyril. «Si chiama Billy! Riesci a dirmi per quale motivo un uomo sano di mente chiamerebbe una ragazza Billy?»
Eleanor H. Porter, già acclamata autrice di Pollyanna, disegna dei personaggi forti e indimenticabili, una commedia degli equivoci romantica e frizzante, che sorprende e si legge d'un fiato.
Download Miss Billy GLI INDIMENTICABILI Italian Edition edition by Eleanor H Porter Federica Franceschelli Literature Fiction eBooks
"Named Billy after her father's best friend, she writes to William for permission to live with them after her aunts death and loneliness overtakes her. Thinking her a boy since her name is Billy, William and his 2 brothers agree to take her in. Billy arrives and surprises them all with her beauty and liveliness. Bertram fascinated with her and falls in love with her. Williams sister Kate gives Billy a dressing down and tells her none of them ever wanted her to come. Billy is wounded and leaves them. many obstacles appear so that Billy does not know whom she loves. Of takes many trials to discover who really loves her and whom she loves."
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Tags : Miss Billy (GLI INDIMENTICABILI) (Italian Edition) - edition by Eleanor H. Porter, Federica Franceschelli. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Miss Billy (GLI INDIMENTICABILI) (Italian Edition).,ebook,Eleanor H. Porter, Federica Franceschelli,Miss Billy (GLI INDIMENTICABILI) (Italian Edition),cignonero,Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy,Fiction / Humorous
Miss Billy GLI INDIMENTICABILI Italian Edition edition by Eleanor H Porter Federica Franceschelli Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :
Miss Billy GLI INDIMENTICABILI Italian Edition edition by Eleanor H Porter Federica Franceschelli Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
- After reading the reviews on Books 2 & 3, I decided to skip Book 2 and go directly to Book 3 which is this one. At the end of Book 1 Billy has agreed to marry Bertram after Kate, the interfering sister of the three brothers, nearly destroyed everything!
This third and last book in the series starts with Bertram and Billy repeating their vows to each other on their wedding day. This is immediately followed by a letter from Kate to her husband. Kate is most distraught that she has been unable to prevent or postpone the wedding. She thinks that Billy and Bertram are totally unsuited for each other. She does provide the reader with a glimpse of some of the drama that went on in Book 2, hence another reason not to read it unless you really so desire, and we are told that is was only a week ago that Billy and Bertram were reunited. (Just under a year has passed since the ending of Book 1.)
Remember Cyril? He is now happily married to Marie. We hear quite a bit about them as the story progresses and Marie produces twins!
Like many brides, Billy has stars in her eyes thinking that Bertram and her will never quarrel, never be like some of the other married couples they see. Billy is still a bit of a whirlwind with a great heart though. How does she 'fix' things with William? What about Aunt Hannah? How does Billy cope when Bertram stays out for dinner with old friends? Having never listed cooking as one of her attributes you can laugh along with Billy's predicament when the cook is unexpectedly delayed and Bertram has announced he is bringing home a guest for dinner!
Motherhood? Billy goes from not interested to totally absorbed. What happens to Bertram? Is there any hope for them?
Although a little over the top, this story should make you smile especially if married and you are able to remember back to your early days of marriage. You will be able to identify with some happenings. IMPORTANT to note that even though Bertram and Billy are now married NOTHING is mentioned about the bedroom i.e. sex. This is a VERY clean book. I downloaded this book for my . I was not required to write a review but chose to do so. Thanks, Liz - Meet Billy, 18, now an orphan after her aunt who raised her has just passed away. There is no one to look after her except maybe an old friend of her father's and the person she was named after, William Henshaw. William, now widowed, is the eldest of three brothers who all live together. Each brother lives on a separate floor and each has his individual idiosyncrasies.
The three men get quite a shock when the letter from Billy arrives begging William to let her come live with him. One problem! Billy doesn't mention her age or the fact that she's a girl. William does correctly guess her age so Cyril and Bertram think 'he' will be too much bother! Billy says she will not come without Spunk! Spunk? Is it a dog? A parrot? A monkey? Imagine their surprise when Billy turns up and is a girl! Will Spunk be welcome?
Of course, now a chaperone is required so here enters Aunt Hannah (Mrs. Stetson), an elderly lady. Billy is like a breath of fresh air taking delight in each man's collections/hobbies completely unaware of the fluster she sometimes causes. Cyril plays the piano but is known as a 'woman hater' thus Billy spends much time sitting on the stairs listening to him. Bertram enjoys painting so Billy is quite happy to pose for him. William is a collector and is pleased with Billy's enthusiasm over his collections.
Then enters Kate, the men's sister. A better description for her would be "Interfering Kate'. What does she say to make Billy up and leave? How do the men fare with her gone? When Billy returns to the neighborhood, to a house of her own, what does she discover about each of the men as she grows up and matures? Will Kate's further interference have disastrous consequences?
I really enjoyed reading this, the first in the series. Yes, Billy is certainly a little immature at times but she has a beautiful and generous spirit about her. There are some very amusing incidents throughout the book. Clean, easy read. I purchased this on my . I was not required to write a review but chose to do so. Thanks, Liz - Named Billy after her father's best friend, she writes to William for permission to live with them after her aunts death and loneliness overtakes her. Thinking her a boy since her name is Billy, William and his 2 brothers agree to take her in. Billy arrives and surprises them all with her beauty and liveliness. Bertram fascinated with her and falls in love with her. Williams sister Kate gives Billy a dressing down and tells her none of them ever wanted her to come. Billy is wounded and leaves them. many obstacles appear so that Billy does not know whom she loves. Of takes many trials to discover who really loves her and whom she loves.
- Much like Pollyanna the main character is a girl in need. She brings disruption because her soon to be new family are expecting a boy. Indeed lack of or errors in communication throughout the book lead to many comical situations. it us a fun and touching read.
I love the culture of the time period. What is proper for a girl of 18 or 20 in the early 1900's? Res of propriety for people of some means in Boston were certainly different from today.
I read this hoping it would lift my spirits, keep my interest and take me back in time a little. It accomplished all three and more.
There are two additional books in this series about the main character Billy. I can't wait to read them too.
I am thankful that Eleanor Porter's books have been made available in this form and for free. They are a treasure.
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